Find a Group Right for You
Life Groups are where we take the next step of being transformed by Jesus together. Our groups focus on Jesus and connection, and we're starting new groups all the time! Text us at (815) 706-4700 for more information on joining a group, or click the button below to find currently running groups.
Our groups include:
Parenting Groups
Women’s Bible Studies
Men’s Bible Studies
Mom’s Group
Dad's Group
Married with Grown Kids
Empty Nesters
Bible Studies
Sports Groups
Hobby Groups
Bible Studies
We currently have two Bible Studies running to help individuals grow in their knowledge of God’s saving work in Scripture.
If you Swing by the church at 7:00 pm on Monday nights or 9:00 am on Tuesday mornings to spend time with Pastor Phil and other believers, as they explore the riches of Scripture. Monday nights and Tuesdays mornings are the same, so if you miss one you can catch up in the other.
Ministry Opportunities
The beauty of the church is seen when the congregation recognizes their gifts and is equipped to serve the world. By connecting the passions and gifts of our members, we have been able to impact Sauk Valley and the world for Christ. We hope that you can find ministry opportunities for you to serve on or a team that can minister to you. If you are passionate about a ministry that isn’t offered yet, please contact the church office. We would love to equip you to serve where God is leading you. Also, if you are wanting more information about a Ministry Team contact the Church Office or go to our Ministry Team Wall for more information.
Adult Education Team
Mission: To provide transformation opportunities for adults to grow in their faith through God’s Word.
Altar Care Team
Mission: To prepare the Sanctuary for Holy Communion, the seasons of the church, and special events to connect people to the transforming power of Christ.
Babies Warm & Dry
Mission: To partner with local health departments to provide baby items for moms in need to provide transformation through the love of Christ.
Bell Choir
Mission: To provide transformative music during special events and select Sundays during our Traditional Worship Services.
Building Team
Mission: To take on building projects around our church to develop a building that is useful for transforming people into the image of Christ.
Chancel Choir
Mission: To provide transformative choral music for our Sunday Traditional Worship Service and other special events to connect people to Christ.
Kid Life Ministry Team
Mission: To provide magnetic experiences such as Kids' Church, Vacation Bible School, and other Kid-specific and family-focused events, to connect kids and families to the transformative power of Christ.
Coffee Fellowship
Mission: To provide coffee and snacks in between Sunday morning services to help connect others to a transformative community of believers.
Communion Assistants
Mission: To provide assistance during Communion experiences for people to connect with the transformational power of Christ’s promises.
Counting Team
Mission: To count and record the offering each week to allow for our gathered resources to be used to connect people to a transformational relationship with Christ.
Fellowship Team
Mission: To provide fellowship opportunities for individuals to connect to one another and the transforming power of Christ.
Finance Team
Mission: To oversee and properly distribute our collective resources to best serve our mission and vision of transforming ourselves, our community, and our world.
Food Bank Team
Mission: To collect food for distribution in our local food pantries to connect people to God’s transforming love.
Food For Friends
Mission: To connect people to God’s transforming love by providing meals for those who have recently been in the hospital or are dealing with other challenging events in their lives.
Funeral Lunch Team
Mission: To provide volunteers to facilitate meals to help commemorate those who have gone on to their final transformation in Christ.
Game Day
Mission: To provide a time of fellowship, fun, and friendly competition for individuals to connect to a group being transformed by Christ.
Giving Tree
Mission: To provide Christmas presents to needy families in our community to connect them to the transforming love of Christ.
Global Ministry Partner Team
Mission: To resource and support our national partnerships around the world and assist in sending short-term missionaries from New Life around the world to bring Christ's transformation to the world.
Greeting Team
Mission: To provide a welcoming environment at our weekend services, so that people might best connect to the transforming power of Christ.
Helping Hands
Mission: To provide yard work and housework for those in need to allow them to experience Christ’s transforming love.
Home Communion Team
Mission: To connect our home bound members to the transformational life of Christ by sharing in Holy Communion with them each month.
Joyous Java
Mission: To provide specialty drinks to raise money for different transformational charities and ministries.
Landscape Team
Mission: To beautify the church grounds with trees, shrubs, and flowers to provide a catalyst for connecting people to a transformational Christ.
Leadership Team
Mission: To provide wisdom for decisions that impact our church as we strive to join in Christ’s mission to transform the world for Christ.
Library Team
Mission: To keep New Life’s library up to date and organized so these transformational resources allow for people to connect to Christ.
Modern Worship Team
Mission: To develop transformative musical experiences during our Modern Worship Service and at special events.
Mom Life
Mission: A place where moms can meet to share their hopes, fears, and insights of motherhood while encouraging one another to grow in transformational relationship with Jesus.
Moms In Prayer
Mission: To pray for our children and school staff to connect them to the transforming power of Christ.
National Ministry Partner Team
Mission: To resource and care for our national partnerships in the Sauk Valley area and our nation to bring Christ's transformation into their lives.
Nursery Team
Mission: To connect our little ones to the transforming love of Christ by providing care and supervision during Sunday Worship and Sunday School (during the school year), as well as, other special events.
Outreach Team
Mission: To create connective moments throughout the year for our congregation to partner in our transformational mission to connect people to Christ.
Prayer Chain
Mission: To develop a network of believers to connect those in need to the transforming power of Christ through prayer.
Prayer Team
Mission: To join together to lift our community, our world, and other needs in prayer to connect them to the transforming power of Christ.
Quilting & Sewing Team
Mission: To gather together to make quilts, blankets, prayer shawls, and other items for distribution to tangibly connect people to Christ’s transforming love.
Softball Team
Mission: To provide a co-ed recreational event that allows people to connect with other believers in the process of transformation.
Tech Team
Mission: To provide volunteers to enhance our weekend worship experience through technology to aid people’s transformation in Christ.
Teen Life Ministry Team
Mission: To provide environments for our teens and their friends to be transformed by Christ through Confirmation, Youth Group, and teen-focused and family-focused events.
Traditional Music Team
Mission: To provide transformational traditional church music and special musical opportunities to connect people to Christ.
Usher Team
Mission: To provide direction and assistance to those in attendance at our weekend services, pointing to Christ, the source of all transformation.
Volleyball Team
Mission: To provide a co-ed recreational event that allows people to connect with other believers on their spiritual journey of transformation.
Welcome Team
Mission: To make guests feel comfortable at New Life by welcoming them and resourcing them with information that will help them be transformed through Christ’s work at New Life.
Widow/ Widowers Support
Mission: To provide a listening ear to those who are dealing with grief and offer hope by connecting them with the transformation offered through Christ.