Dr. Lori Cortez: VP of Advancement, SVCC - Combatting Out-Migration Through Economic and Educational Reform and Encouraging Regionalism Through Working Together Across Community Lines | SVSP 011

April 26, 2023
Dr. Lori Cortez: VP of Advancement, SVCC - Combatting Out-Migration Through Economic and Educational Reform and Encouraging Regionalism Through Working Together Across Community Lines | SVSP 011
Dr. Lori Cortez serves at Sauk Valley Community College as the Vice President of Advancement. We talked about her journey to the Sauk Valley, why she wishes she had grown up here, SVCC's new venture to offer free tuition to high school students through the Impact program, and how working together across the different communities in the Sauk Valley helps keep people here, rather than leaving for other areas.

Contact Dr. Cortez: https://www.svcc.edu/employees/directory/la-cortez/

Sauk Valley Spotlight is hosted by Drew Williams and can be found on all major podcasting platforms, as well as online at https://saukvalleyspotlight.com
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