3 Rivers Legacy Drive

FCA 3 Rivers Legacy Drive 2024


Our Goal

We are asking God to help to 150 coaches, ministry leaders, and community members create their kingdom legacy.



Too many marriages are struggling under the weight of stress. Your gift unlocks our ability to provide marriage support and financial classes to strengthen the marriages of the Sauk Valley.


Our church can feel like the "best kept secret" of the Sauk Valley. Your support helps us change that by increasing our reach through our community events that bless our neighbors and provide Christ-centered connection.


We are running out of room for all the kids and teens that God has brought to our church! Your donation allows us to do the important research to discover the costs for a possible campus expansion so that we can become a training hub for the next generation and reach even more people!

From The Director

Dr. James Naismith, inventor of Basketball, stated the purpose of his life was to “win men for the Master through the gym” 

  Almost 150 years later, coaches and athletic leaders all over the world have this same purpose. 

Grace + Peace,
Andrew Hofer 

Andrew Hofer, 3 Rivers Area Director

Know Jesus

Find Your Legacy

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More New Guests Feeling Blessed

Project 2

Our church is a beacon of hope, transformation, and family. But we recognize that many in the Sauk Valley have yet to experience this warmth. We’re committed to changing that.

Our vision is to step out, make our presence felt, and truly integrate into the community – from continuing to host vibrant events to participating actively in city-wide gatherings. Our mission is not just within our walls, but also beyond. By enhancing our outreach, every member of our church family becomes a messenger of hope and a guide to Jesus.

Your support ensures that we can increase our reach for our community events, as well as equip our active members with tools to invite their friends and family into a relationship with Jesus.

Young Family and Youth Ministry Wing (Campus Expansion)

Project 3

Our church family is growing, and so must our church home. We are running out of room for all the kids and teens that God has brought to our church, so we’re exploring a campus expansion to provide more room for our Sunday School and youth groups. But it’s more than just our church family; we envision a campus that welcomes the entire community. Through partnerships with educational institutions and local groups, we aim to serve as a hub for after-school programs, events, and transformative experiences rooted in faith.

Your gift unlocks our ability to run a feasibility study for this expansion so that we can lay the foundation of a tighter-knit community in Christ.

Stories of Transformation

Wife, married 9 years

“We turned a curve. We felt like we needed this [gathering] to get back on track. We are excited about how God is going to use our marriage to change our community and our children.”

New guest from Harvest Festival

“Wanted to say thank you for having us, it was a very fun afternoon with great people. We really enjoyed being there last week and you all seem like amazing people and I can’t wait to join you all soon with my family.”

Mom of 2

“[My kids] grew in maturity and I think even a couple inches taller this year at Vacation Bible School. The volunteers and staff made our connection amazing. Without their love and commitment our exciting advances for the Kingdom would not have been made.”

Next Steps


Give today.


Fund our mission in 2024.


See more families and individuals get transformed by Jesus, together, for others.


Too many of our loved ones and friends wander like prodigals, lost in the endless search for a fulfilled life. But what if we could guide them back, not to a building, but to a family? A family that builds together, strengthens others together, and grows together. A family where friends feel like siblings, and strangers become kin.

In 2024, we see hundreds of active members taking a next step in their journey of joining Jesus in his work as an apprentice in his way of life. Guests and attenders will connect and become active in Sunday worship and beyond. Members will sign up for classes and life groups to deepen their faith. Individuals will practice spiritual habits that improve their life. Families will grow by seeing they can join Jesus’ work in their weekly activities.

Your generosity enables us to increase our ability to connect people to the Life of the church and provide simple tools that help each of us join Jesus in his work of transforming our lives, together, for the sake of others.

What people are saying:

"The church is beautiful but it is filled with beautiful faithful servants. The leaders of this church are bible based and full of life, and the church is growing." -DS

"New Life is where my 8yo understands God's love, interacts with other kids, and asked to be baptized." -KM

"I started looking for a new church about 3 years ago. New Life was the 4th church I tried about 2 years ago. I loved the church, the people and the way I felt after attending here." -KH

"They have wonderful youth programs and events as a church to bring in community!" -NS

"The church is beautiful but it is filled with beautiful faithful servants. The leaders of this church are bible based and full of life, and the church is growing." -DS

"New Life is where my 8yo understands God's love, interacts with other kids, and asked to be baptized." -KM

"I started looking for a new church about 3 years ago. New Life was the 4th church I tried about 2 years ago. I loved the church, the people and the way I felt after attending here." -KH

"They have wonderful youth programs and events as a church to bring in community!" -NS

This is an opportunity for all of us to join Jesus in his work of building stronger families in 2024. By contributing to our Christmas offering, you're not just donating; you're investing in the future of countless families, empowering them to find strength, unity, and purpose in Christ. Together, we can roll up our sleeves and build a strong, faith-filled community for everyone.

All donations are tax-deductible.

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting
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